Hexagram 41 pathfinder. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 23 Split Apart: Regenerate. Hexagram 41 pathfinder

 Hu Gua (hidden influence) 23 Split Apart: RegenerateHexagram 41 pathfinder  Paintings and prescriptions hexagram 26

38 -- Mutual Alienation -- 38 . 9 -- Passive Restraint -- 9 . Compulsion:1a. Truth is strongest when undiluted by the flavor of personal desires. One may be suffering a calm that has been imposed by an unfavourable environment such as an unreceptive audience or an unwilling partner, or it may be that. Not the cry, but the flight of the wild duck, leads the flock to fly and follow. . Action: Accommodate Hu Gua (hidden influence) 63 After Completion: Renew. Your vital force is not wanting, only waiting for you to tap it. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 41 Decrease: Evaluate. Hook . Six in the fourth place changes to hexagram 38. The superior man differentiates between high and low, and thus fixes the minds of the people. Hence he must possess the qualities of the hexagram in perfection. What is below is decreased to the benefit of what is above. Legge: Metamorphosis is believed in only after it has been. Nevertheless, a well-timed retreat may require quick and nimble movement, in order to take up a. Nine in the third place. NOTE: This is a quick port to the web of text I first wrote around 15 plus years ago. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 62 Small Exceeding: Conserve. Compulsion:1a. BTW on thinking of answers one often gets a sense impression to do with the trigrams. Hexagram 16 Yu Enthusiasm. HEXAGRAM NUMBER FORTY-THREE – RESOLUTENESS . I Ching Hexagram 39 Jian (Obstruction). Do not worry over what seems gone. [The component trigrams combine the concepts of wind and blandness -- hence a favorable wind. Legge: Recognizing the risks involved in criminal prosecution, justice demands a resolute proof of the culprit's. ] Cleary (2):Delight comes through, beneficial if correct. I Ching Hexagram 46 Sheng (Pushing Upward) Action: Ascend. -SaltSaint 2015-08-11 7:57:41. Six in the second place. In writing of 42 I have the sense of fast movement in the skies, clouds shifting. If it is the only changing line, the new hexagram becomes number 64, Unfinished Business, with its corresponding line depicting a moral victory. When in a strange land it is important to know what the rules are and abide by them. Oppositions can then be dealt with. Hexagram 09 – Hsiao Ch’u / The Taming Power of the Small; Hexagram 10 – Lü / Treading; Hexagram 11 – T’ai / Peace; Hexagram 12 – P’i / Standstill; Hexagram 13 – T’ung Jên / Friendship in the Open; Hexagram 14 – Ta You / Possession in Great Measure; Hexagram 15 – Ch’ien / Modesty; Hexagram 16 — Yü / EnthusiasmHexagram 33 follows from 32, Lasting. Bad prospects for marriage or partnership. Don’t hesitate. Six in the third place. the Personality [ego] to the Higher Self. Paintings and Prescriptions hexagram 50. F. One hears thunder unexpectedly. Pathfinder Hexagram 51 Shock The model of the moment: Preparation and respect for the greater forces of nature protects one from experiencing shock or suffering losses from its. Lines 2 and 5 specifically mention sacrifice: an important concept in the I Ching. It benefits to continue. [This hexagram describes your situation in terms of conflict and consequent seclusion. – ShakespeareThe hexagram deals with the union between the ruler and his ministers -- between high and low in the kingdom. Have no anxiety about. Blofeld: This hexagram symbolizes a favorable wind. As another ancient scripture put it, “To every thing, there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven. Accept the need to graciously retreat while adjusting to circumstances. 5. (41 Diminishing) Step 6 Culmination: This inner stripping leads to a breakthrough. Less is more. This removes much of the danger that threatened, and brings recognition. [The component trigrams combine the concepts of wind and blandness -- hence a favorable wind. 2. Outstanding. Leave depression behind. Hexagram 49. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 43 Determination: Breakthrough. HEXAGRAM NUMBER THIRTEEN -- UNION OF FORCES. Change your perspective. Pathfinder Body type: SUV / Crossover Doors: 4 doors Drivetrain: Four-Wheel Drive Engine: 260 hp 3. Hexagram #39 ䷤ Halting (Trouble): Hexagram #39 Halting— This hexagram represents preserving the primordial in the midst of the temporal. Other titles: Progress, Prospering, The Symbol of Forwardness, To Advance, Advancement, Making Headway, Getting the Idea, “Comes the Dawn” Judgment . Find the force that nourishes you. The mention of seven days in the Judgment and the winter solstice in the Image tells us that the hexagram of Return deals with cyclic progression. In 41 uc a much more still feeling, more peaceful, mountain over lake. Cleary (1): In Nurturance of the Great it is beneficial to be chaste. On the Cast Hexagram-, Hexagram Lines- and Transformed Hex-tab you can click through to the corresponding original I Ching translation, if applicable. They are warm, gentle and open. Sun, Diminishing, and Yi, Augmenting, offer a paradigm of sacrifice and its results. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 26 Controlled Power: Amplify. 1. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 57 Penetration: Permeate. 21: Cutting Through. Hexagram 15 Qian Authenticity. Paintings and Prescriptions hexagram 16. Six in the Fourth Place. Do not focus on protecting and nurturing your own spirit (24). The symbolism of the lines indicates the situations encountered by the prince. 11: Harmony. All worthy goals meet some resistance. This is a recognition of your trustworthiness and ability to remain impartial. You hold the power to become the master of your existence. Legge:Holding. Legge:Liberation finds advantage in the southwest. It shows men's minds alienated from correctness and sure to go on to disorder. Fourth, the combined trigrams of shock and light (thunder and lightning) suggest a sudden and numinous illumination: the sort of en-light-enment. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 63 After Completion: Renew. Substantiality is better than ornament. 7 -- Discipline -- 7 . Somehow, the way to harmony and unity is blocked or frustrated—perhaps by a tangle of deceit or corruption. 44 -- Temptation -- 44 . – Galileo. I Ching Hexagram 59. ’ As there is no worldly gain without some loss, so there is no worldly loss without some gain. Move on. I seek my natural place where there is least resistance, Arousing enthusiasm in others. Pathfinder (the online book) A modern American interpretation and integration of three philosophical classics: The I Ching, Tao of Power, and Art of War You may access Pathfinder in the same way you would the traditional I Ching; only here you'll simultaneously get results stemming from the I Ching, Tao of Power, and Art of War-- and in. The Superior Man distributes his emoluments to those below; dwelling in virtue, he renounces them. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 51 Shocking: Arouse. Tonight I have received this Hexagram , changing to Hexagram 56, 2 months ago, a differently phrased enquiry, relating to the same issue – huge life/job/location change, resulted in Hexagram 56, changing to 35. the process of 3 days before the turning point, and 3 days after it. I Ching Hexagram 46 Sheng (Pushing Upward). The theme of the hexagram is the advance of men to offices in the state --. Even if you are lonely observe and learn from the situation. 7 -- Discipline -- 7 . Calendar: Northern Hemisphere: Apr 14 to Apr 20 approx. People are coming to help you with the journey to completion. Paintings and Prescriptions hexagram 40. Judgment . Other titles: Obstruction, The Symbol of Difficulty, Arresting Movement, Trouble, Obstacles, Barrier, Halt, Halting, Limping, Afoot, “Sit Tight—Don’t move” "One is surrounded by an underwater reef and should wait for assistance. Search over 900 Nissan Pathfinder listings to find the best deals in Abbotsford, BC. Nevertheless, he is sick or in distress. The elements of this hexagram are fire under water. The gravity of matter merges with the upward radiation of light to create a condition of deep harmony. Good times seem inevitable, and there is vitality in the air. Nine in the second place changes to hexagram 51. Laughter and talk: shriek, shriek. Hexagram Thirty Nine. HEXAGRAM NUMBER TWENTY-SEVEN -- NOURISHMENT . Six in the first place changes to hexagram 25. I realize that this corruption is not something I caused. If the rope does not reach all the way into the well, of if the bucket breaks, that is unfortunate. . 41. Growing: the small. 2. An early key to success is to avoid pretentious ambitions and grandiose goals. Together, they form a picture of harmony and balance. Golden . I Ching Hexagram 20 Kuan (Contemplation). Zong Gua (underlying cause) 60 Limitation: Regulate. Changes are coming. A. Nine the Third Place. Other titles: Preponderance of the Small, The Symbol of Excess in Small Things, The Small get by, Slight Excess, Small Exceeding, Small Surpassing, Excess of the Small, Small gains, Conscientiousness, Smallness in Excess, Exceeding the Mean, Proliferation. The reward will exceed the loss. Each hexagram is part of a Pair that that activates hidden paths of transformative energy through the interaction of the trigrams or Spirit Helpers, connecting phases of Inspiration and Realization. Through thoroughness you create support from others. Ritsema/Karcher: Shake, Growing. Legge: The first line, dynamic, shows us one changing the object of his pursuit; if he is firmly correct there will be good fortune. 2. 29: Dangerous Depths. They must take all available precautions and, above all, keep going forward, so as to remove themselves from harm’s way. Hook Judgment . 6 -- Stress -- 6 . Legge:Pushing Upward means successful progress. HEXAGRAM NUMBER FIFTY-SIX – TRANSITION . HEXAGRAM NUMBER FORTY-NINE -- METAMORPHOSIS . Cleary (2):. The Image of Mountain over Lake The situations of Decrease and Increase are a cycle of giving and receiving. When the oak is felled the whole forest echoes with its fall, but a hundred acorns are sown in silence by an unnoticed breeze. Other titles: The Marrying Maiden, The Symbol of the Marriage of the Younger Sister, Marriageable Maiden, The Marrying Girl, Subordinate, The Second Wife, Converting Maidenhood, Returning maiden, Making a young girl marry, Marrying a young girl, Marrying a Maiden, Unilateral Action, Impropriety, Improper. In the I Ching, the hexagram fu, signifying the Return (one yang line beneath five yin lines) is the symbol of the rebirth of the Yang. When negative forces predominate, a well-timed retreat can be a good move for keeping your energy up and allowing you to persevere. Nine in the fourth place changes to hexagram 41. Here again we are advised 3 days where one. In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was in me, an invincible summer. This is not a time for patience, but for decisive action. – Goethe62: Attention to Detail. Do not make yourself feared. Adversity is how life unleashes your excellence from within. There is still danger, but if you are aware of this and prepared, there can be no difficulty. I Ching Hexagram 7 Shih (Army). HEXAGRAM NUMBER TWO -- THE MAGNETIC . The lower trigram of Movement represents the eldest son, and the upper trigram of Pleasure represents the. Great receptivity attracts great gifts and great blessings. If you are not playing the host, you will discover that you are the guest. Legge: Recognizing the risks involved in criminal prosecution, justice demands a resolute proof of the culprit's. It is not the time for active doing. Instinct is the bubbling of Te excited by the prospect of your coming-to-be-real. e. Things can be difficult in the beginning. Don’t make plans, just listen. "-- D. Six in the last place changes to hexagram 57. Unhappiness is the first sign that something powerful stirs within you. The king's mind is without any deflection as he goes to his ancestral temple. Shock. Cleary (1): When heaven and earth commune, there is tranquility. Interesting that hexagram 46, Earth over the Wind and Wood is Pushing Upward. Other titles: Break-through, The Symbol of Decision, Resolution, Determination, Parting, Removing Corruption, Eradication Judgment . A comparison of its symbolism with that of hexagram number 41 yields many insights: The Path of. 6. Pathfinder Hexagram 64 Undone The model of the moment: There is complete disorder here. Nine in the last place placeI Ching Hexagram 64 Wei Chi (Before Completion). F. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 43 Determination: Breakthrough. Cleary (1): Being strong, yet acting submissively, the submissiveness subdues the strength, and strength cannot act on its own. " Everyone sees the unseen in proportion to the clarity of the heart, and that depends upon how much one has polished. Hexagram 51. Don’t pretend to be more than you are. For you could leave this place and try another to change your level of contribution. Cut through pride and complication and you will signal to your true kin. Initially significant. Its shadow is timidity and fear. Hexagram 6 - Sung. Compare the first two hexagrams with hexagram number eleven, Harmony, and number twelve, Divorcement, noting the implications of the symbolism in terms of the proper management of the Work. I Ching Hexagram 34 Da Zhuang (Great Power) Action: Invigorate. Reading at a Glance: When. 26: Containment of Potential. [The arrangement of the component trigrams suggests glimpses of the sky among the peaks of the mountains. Liu: The heaven above and the lake below symbolize Treading. Other variations include "possession in great measure" and "the great possession". If the superior man takes the. Each hexagram is part of a Pair that that activates hidden paths of transformative energy through the interaction of the trigrams or Spirit Helpers, connecting phases of Inspiration and Realization. Take responsibility. . Legge: The first line, magnetic, shows its subject proclaiming her pleasure and satisfaction. Reliable . I Ching Hexagram 11 T'ai (Peace) Action: Relax. Six in the fourth place. I Ching Hexagram 10 Lǚ (Treading) Action: Cautious Advance. Compare the Judgment of this hexagram with hexagrams and lines 17:6, 45:2, 46:2, 46:4, 47:2, 47:5 and 63:5 for further insights on this extremely important tenet of the Work. HEXAGRAM NUMBER NINETEEN -- APPROACH . I Ching Hexagram 23 Po (Split Apart). Legge: During. Hexagram 8 Pi Uniting. Have you got what it takes? The hexagram describes a hard movement with high momentum - substantial, fast and exciting. Clean up mistakes of the past. 3 -- Difficulty -- 3 . Good fortune at first; disorder in the end. The power is in the toes, the lowest part of the body, and the very bottom of the hexagram. Like a river that has been dammed or a pot of boiling water with a lid clamped on, holding and containing power produces enormous potential. 5. Other titles: Preponderance of the Small, The Symbol of Excess in Small Things, The Small get by, Slight Excess, Small Exceeding, Small Surpassing, Excess of the Small, Small gains, Conscientiousness, Smallness in Excess, Exceeding the Mean, Proliferation. Though you feel held back, this is for your own good. Disaster!Hexagram 61 Truth. Be inviting, tolerant and productive. He had the uneasy manner of a man who is not among his own kind, and who has not seen enough. Hook . The hexagram comprises two trigrams, one representing heaven and the other representing Earth. When you are steadfast in your power, you cannot be thrown from your center. Paintings and Prescriptions, hexagram 13. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 53 Development: Flower. 4. Other titles: Difficulty at the Beginning, The Symbol of Bursting, Sprouting, Hoarding, Distress, Organizational Growth Pains, Difficult Beginnings, Growing Pains, Initial Obstacles, Initial Hardship Judgment. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 23 Split Apart: Regenerate. A horn-board for the young bull. 3 line is missing as the situation it describes: three people in a situation and one getting up and leaving -- apparently isn't part of this scenario. This state is to be preserved through the influence of religion and the great man, who is a kind of philosopher king who meets the spirits of his ancestors in the temple. "-- D. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 28 Critical Mass: Adjust. One cannot refuse. Action: Go Back. Cleary (1): One sees the vehicle dragged back, the ox halted; the person’s hair and nose are cut off. A sudden shock can cause you to stop all movement. See what unfolds in the new time of completion. The mention of seven days in the Judgment and the winter solstice in the Image tells us that the hexagram of Return deals with cyclic progression. What you seek now becomes a reality. Other titles: Work On What Has Been Spoiled, The Symbol of Destruction, Decay, Arresting of Decay, Work after Spoiling, Fixing, Rectifying, Corrupting, Branch, Degeneration, Misdeeds "Can refer to heredity and psychological traits. You may feel too weak to continue. When you merge the world in here with the world out there your destiny is revealed. Let go of any remnants of prejudice you may carry, and seek the beauty and fullness that can be found in all people and things. Other titles: Treading, Conduct, The Symbol of Stepping Carefully, Proper Conduct, Cautious Treading, Proceeding Cautiously, Watch Your Step, Proceed at Your Own Risk, Advancing With Care "Illustrates the difference between courage and. 49 -- Metamorphosis -- 49 . The course usually recommended for such times: Sometimes all that is needed to rectify a situation is a single decision. When going nowhere, the return brings good fortune; when going somewhere, promptness brings good fortune. I Ching Hexagram 26 Ta Ch’u (Controlled Power). Other titles: After Completion, The Symbol of What is Already Past, Already Fording, Already Completed, Settled, Mission Accomplished, Tasks Completed, After the End, A state of Climax Judgment . But one does not drop the spoon or chalice. HEXAGRAM NUMBER TWENTY-ONE -- DISCERNMENT . Like an electric storm in Spring. Nine in the fifth place changes to hexagram 46. This classic translation from Chinese was in German, by Richard Wilhelm in 1923. Fall (52): Rouse new growth by meeting others with generosity and care. Other titles: The Corners of the Mouth, Providing Nourishment, The Symbol of the Cheek and of Nourishment, Jaws, Lower Jaw, Nurturing, Swallowing, Sagacious Counsel, Nourishing, To Feed, "Can mean money, usually as the result of. Action: Accept. The other two hexagrams that contain the idea of advance are number thirty-five, Advance of Consciousness and number forty-six, Pushing Upward -- each expresses its own nuance of meaning, and here the nuance is the gradual manner in which the advance takes place. Legge: Difficulty indicates progress and success through firm. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 38 Opposition: Accommodate. I Ching Hexagram 26 Ta Ch’u (Controlled Power) Action: Amplify. Compare the Image of Nourishment in this hexagram with those in hexagram number five, Waiting; number forty-eight, The Well; and number fifty, The Sacrificial Vessel. I Ching Hexagram 19 Lin (Approach). Discipline is symbolized by water under the earth—a vital resource that is available but hidden, requiring effort to access. Action: Conserve. Your vital force is not wanting, only waiting for you to tap it. Line-1. I Ching Hexagram 58 Tui (Joy). [This hexagram represents joy in practicing the Tao. Hexagram 17 Sui Following. Uprightness and being of sound character carry this issue through, despite the outward lack of refinement and smooth presentation. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 2: Receptive: Yield. Teach and inspire others by what you have learned during past trials. This energetic concentration could explode in an. HEXAGRAM NUMBER TWENTY-NINE – DANGER . 50: The Cauldron. Legge:Holding. Top 9: Encountering (with) one's horn. HEXAGRAM NUMBER THIRTY-SIX -- CLOUDED PERCEPTION . 5. Hook . To have one's inner forces correctly united is indeed Possession in Great Measure, which is the title that Wilhelm gives to this figure. It can be especially effective. I Ching Hexagram 61 Zhong Fu (Inner Truth). HEXAGRAM NUMBER TWELVE -- DIVORCEMENT. Don’t be afraid to push beyond what you think is possible now. Sudden and significant change. One sometimes receives this figure in situations involving third-party. The power of being centered emanates outward from within. these sensory perceptions seem stronger. In Critical Mass four dynamic lines lurk inside of the hexagram, weakly contained at top and bottom by two magnetic lines. Be on guard for the careless or rebellious attitudes characteristic of inexperience. This is the core of mysticism. Note that all of the lines in the hexagram are generally unfavorable except two and five, and that when they both change places the hexagram becomes number thirty-one, Initiative. 52 -- Keeping Still -- 52 . It shows men's minds alienated from correctness and sure to go on to disorder. Pathfinder Hexagram 45 Meeting The model of the moment: Just as water sometimes congregates in large bodies as a response to changes in the environment, so too do people gather in periodic assemblies. HEXAGRAM NUMBER FORTY-FOUR -- TEMPTATION . "-- D. The lesson of the hexagram is that the nourishing of men of talent and virtue intimates great progress and success. You hold the power to become the master of your existence. The Superior Man consults both high and low and thereby steadies the people's will. When you lose your way, life always hands you a map that says: ‘you are here. Action: Socialize. I am like a Heavenly Dragon. Action: Amplify. 19 -- Approach -- 19 . Other titles: Family Life, Clan, Home, Linkage, Dwelling People, The Psyche, "May indicate a situation where the family can and should help. Legge: For the regulation of The Family, what is most advantageous is that the wife be firm and correct. When trouble is not your fault keep an. Don’t go back on your word. an irresistible impulse to perform an irrational act. Pathfinder Hexagram 49 Major Change The model of the moment: People often dislike, or outright fear change. Contemplation of the way forces are gathered shows us the way of heaven, earth and all of nature. Pathfinder Hexagram 40 Liberation The model of the moment: A source of tensions and problems is cleared away. I Ching Hexagram 50 Ting (Cauldron). – Mark TwainDo not become a slave of yourself, of your duties or wishes. 41. Legge: The first line, magnetic, shows its subject proclaiming her pleasure and satisfaction. or how my mother or father treated me. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 7 Army: Correct Discipline. What is unobservable. Shake scaring a hundred miles. We are but one thread within it. 62 -- Small Powers-- 62 . Zong Gua (underlying cause) 45: Gathering Together: Network. Richard Wilhelm (1873 - 1930) Richard Wilhelm, born in 1873 in Germany, more than any other, is responsible for. Only by learning the truth about ourselves may we. 10: Treading Carefully. F. A warning! I must not be arrogant in my climb. A. Distress. ] [This hexagram describes your situation in terms of the changing status of. 59 Dispersing HUAN. I Ching Hexagram 17 Sui (Following). Sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny. The development of the condition may have been gradual but the transformation is sudden and significant. This a time to let go of people that cause trouble as you stay connected with those who support you. (An aside: Stephen Karcher came up with the idea of the ‘ Shadow hexagram ’. Every encounter needs the decision to enter it or reject it, every decision to do it or not. Great Accumulates. As each love blooms in the peace of its own nature in its own time. This is an excellent opportunity. Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side, which he never shows anyone. Having one’s will in the Tao is finding joy in the Tao; when one delights in the Tao, then one can practice the Tao. Good fortune. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 25 Innocence: Open. The actions are complementary. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 39 Obstruction: Innovate. – Oliver Wendell Holmes. One can enjoy a liveliness of expression reserved for those in one's inner circle. 54: THE MARRYING MAIDEN (Sequential: Alternative Name and Number: Shocking Indulgence) THE SEQUENCE: Zodiac: 24° – 30° Aries. After the change, three days. Great hearts steadily send forth the secret forces that incessantly draw great events. It deals with those with whom one is closest and most comfortable, one's immediate family and close friends. Action: Surrender Hu Gua (hidden influence) 38 Opposition: Yield. 2. This hexagram is complementary to hex. The former are "the great," active and vigorous; the latter are "the inferior," passive and yielding. – Henry Van Dyke. This is my birth hexagram, I admit most of this interpretation is true. 4 -- Inexperience -- 4 . B. Accept the heart of the dark time. Hexagram #41 ䷨ Reduction: This hexagram represents the existence of increase within reduction; Wilhelm/Baynes: Under heaven, wind: the image of Coming to Meet. Line-1 . The application of this power should be virtuous and. 5: Somebody grants one ten matched pairs of tortoise shells. The Superior Man performs his allotted tasks in consonance with heaven's (or the sovereign's) will. The hexagram shows this as having arisen out of the relationship between something or someone stubborn and unyielding, and a someone or something passionate and giving. Without changing lines it is a clear injunction to remove yourself from an inferior situation, influence, emotion or way of thinking. The subject of the line does what she can to get out of danger, and finally, as is signified by the central position of the line, the issue is better than could have been expected. often for the good of the whole scenario .