emperor is balduran. So in act 3, it’s revealed that the Emperor/Guardian was Balduran before they turned. emperor is balduran

So in act 3, it’s revealed that the Emperor/Guardian was Balduran before they turnedemperor is balduran The fact that he is Balduran seems so

The Emperor is openly selfish, a manipulator, and evil (if you learn about his interactions with the Bronze Dragon Ansur) 2. In BG3, each type of weapon has different ranges, damages, and other features (Finesse, Versatile, Dippable, etc. Named after Balduran, the tower could be reached by a bridge from the western shore linking it to the mainland. suprpiwi. dude has zero integrity, lmao. . He was the grandson of Buarainech, and the cousin of Bres. Wielded by Balduran, the founder of Baldur's Gate and friend to his. I mostly enjoyed the. As goofy as it sounds, the name of the founder is Balduran and not simply Baldur. #baldur's gate 3 #bg3 #bg3 raphael #bg3 the emperor #bg3 orpheus. com The Emperor plays a key role in the main story of Baldur's Gate 3, and as part of this role his identity and personal background are kept obfuscated for much of the game. Therefore it is assumable that the guardian's appearance is the emperor's former form before they became an Illithid. If you succeed, you get to go to the last room where there is a dragon. Just as the party is coming to grips with working with a mind flayer, BG3 throws another twist with the Emperor at the team. #2. This opens a secret passage. Balduran's Giantslayer is a legendary greatsword that receives doubled damage bonus from Strength, grants its wielder the Giant Form class action and the Topple the Big Folk weapon action, as well as Advantage on Attack rolls against Large, Huge, and Gargantuan creatures. The Emperor has glimpsed into Orpheus' thoughts and very well knows that the Prince will be willing to work with the adventurers. We see this through his trials in Wyrm's Rock and also by the fact his best friend was a good-aligned metallic dragon. The Emperor is a cunning, manipulative survivalist throughout the whole game (and shown in his backstory with Belynne Stelmane where they used to be allies in this evil cult masquerading as a trade enterprise, before he took over the way you do in evil cults, by mind controlling the competition) but he is not chaotic evil. às 11:47 every. Ansur hints at a deeper connection with Balduran, alluding to their relationship before Balduran's transformation and slaying of Ansur. The massive Seatower of Balduran rested on a rocky island in the bay of Baldur's Gate. But the emperor will tell you many times that he is not balduran. Like, boy it sure is convenient that this Mind Flayer was the single most revered adventurer in all the land so. Empire golden built on trade. This obviously is a huge spoiler and if you have not progressed act 3 far or have no rescued Wyll's dad and went to find the dragon friend under Baldur's gate then turn around. Discover more posts about bg3 the emperor, bg3 emperor, mind flayer, the emperor bg3, the emperor, balduran, and illithid. Let's assume that Ansur has found a powerful magician who is capable of bringing back the human Balduran, and is ready to cast the necessary spell. Balduran, or The Emperor now, grew to accept his. (I know some people don't have the same values, but what is missing is a non-negotiable staple of the genre in my eyes) Re: Daisy, the Absolute, and the Emperor [SPOILERS] Nerovar # 881410 15/08/23 10:40 PM. The Emperor has glimpsed into Orpheus' thoughts and very well knows that the Prince will be willing to work with the adventurers. e. cfehunter Aug 19 @ 11:45am. Far from being created for the games that bear its name, the city of Baldur's Gate has been a part of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting since it was first published. He constantly supported the city with his wealth and was overall known as a honorable leader. . Secondly is independence. another trick from the Emperor. But no such cure. Power/Intimacy. The characters can grow and you can see them grow, The Emperor probably is the most hated one and i don't understand, he is the sole reason you and your companions are alive, he was Balduran, people likes to bring Ansur all the time, "the emperor is bad he killed his best friend and possible lover" well maybe if Ansur didn't wanted to kill him. (As an additional note, the murals in the wyrmway strongly suggest Balduran was an elf once upon a time, not a human). the Emperor initially presents this power as a benevolent gift, while Raphael withholds it behind cooperating with him. The emperor knows you need a mind flayer to use the netherstones to subjugate the netherbrain. A well-known adventurer, Mind Flayers transformed him into one of them when he ventured into the Moonrise Towers. The fact that he is Balduran seems so. There are 4 things the Emperor treasures the most: Survival, Independence, Acceptance and Ambition. Baldur's Gate 3 Soul Coins : Find them all Baldur's Gate. I hadn’t gotten that far and based on what I know of the guy, I didn’t think that was possible and it still doesn’t make any sense based on previous lore. From what I understand of mind flayers, they get memories from the brains they devour. As for the Wizard, I’d want to say Balduran/Emperor since their flashback showed the casting of Feather Fall (Spell Wizards can use) and they are more directly involved with the Astral. He wants to be free of the Elder Brain's control. I think Balduran’s Gate rolls off. #2. It seems Larian might have improved the flow of the game at cost to the ending. Balduran, or The Emperor now, grew to accept his. (As an additional note, the murals in the wyrmway strongly suggest Balduran was an elf once upon a time, not a human). He sired Ethniu, who mated with the. The Song Of Ba. See a recent post on Tumblr from @mintcrows about illithid. Last edited by Ixal; 28/10/23 11:12 PM . Astrail Plane; On top of Nether Brain . The emperor is a selfish manipulative twat but he’s also a very nuanced and well designed character. He's a monster with the memories of a man, who uses that knowledge to manipulate people similar to the kind of man his memories belonged to, because he knows how they tick. After the scene, the battle with Ansur will begin. dude has zero integrity, lmao. The Emperor, Orpheus, and Raphael fighting over who can manipulate, mansplain, malewife their way in the most bisexual way possible into controlling the Crown of Karsus. The Emperor was once the great adventurer and founder of Baldur's Gate, Balduran. The most logical answer is a time dilation between the material and astral plains, or at least the astral prison. The Emperor's Sword +2. According to his own words, he was turned into an illithid while searching for treasures at Moonrise Towers. Balduran was an adventurer and seafarer in Faerun who amassed wealth and founded the city of Baldur's. The Emperor might even want the best for Baldur's Gate, as far as he sees it. Emperor Quests. He killed one in self-defense and mind controlled another all to continue his existence. . The Emperor is one of them as he retains the memories of Balduran and is heavily connected with him. . This is the legendary hero Balduran, the founder of Baldur's Gate. Above all else, he will do anything to survive. The fact that he is Balduran seems so. Ansur did try to kill the Emperor. The fact that he is Balduran seems so. He would have hunted Balduran to the edges of the planet to kill him. Who founded Baldur's Gate. idk, unnecessary? forced? out of nowhere? I mean the one guy who helps us and happens to be an illithid is also the guy who founded the damn city ? Isn't it a bit much? On a side note, when he joins the Netherbrain in the end if you refuse to give him the stones. But the Emperor, unlike all other Mind Flayers, has retained the identity of the host completely, and identifies himself as Balduran. While the game does touch on the Emperor quite a bit, you'll notice a lot of it's just repetitive fluff without much depth or new info. Emperor is a mind flayer. Since the Emperor's true identity is Balduran, the founder of Baldur's Gate, I assume that he must've been a mindflayer for hundreds of years before meeting Tav. The fact that he is Balduran seems so. The truth is, Orpheus will immediately attempt to kill only him . When three, though dead, assailed his port. But the Emperor, unlike all other Mind Flayers, has retained the identity of the host completely, and identifies himself as Balduran. The fact that he is Balduran seems so. This is a difficult battle due to the large health pool that Ansur has which ranges from 400 (Explorer) to 600+ (Tactician) as well as its propensity to use a lot of. 2- he and Balduran where in hiding/isolation for years or even decades at that point 3-surprise attack. Balor was the sun god of the Fomorians. He was Balduran, a great adventurer and founder of Baldur's Gate. The Emperor is just a typical illithid. You can't blame Balduran (The Emperor) for fighting back. At the end The Emperor is just like “well people here won’t like me so I’m out somewhere” and walks away. idk, unnecessary? forced? out of nowhere? I mean the one guy who helps us and happens to be an illithid is also the guy who founded the damn city ? Isn't it a bit much? On a side note, when he joins the Netherbrain in the end if you refuse to give him the stones. So, there is a spoiler about the real identity of the Emperor. Following his ill-fated voyage, it was left in the wreck of his ship, the Wandering Eye, on Werewolf Island. New recommendations Song Video Search. Daisy being either the Absolute or your dark self manifested via your tadpole offered many more possibilities. There is no romance dialogue at the end, nor does my TAV has the option to do anything with them. suprpiwi. After running the Knights of the Shield, which it coopted (and presumably converted into a more mercantile operation) from Belynne Stelmane's Gargauth (devil) worshipping cult (info from. And, apparently, the dude who murdered his best friend, the Bronze Dragon Ansur. Add similar content to the end of the queue. I mean, considering Ilithid nature he is very much different, more willing to cooperate. Just as the party is coming to grips with working with a mind flayer, BG3 throws another twist with the Emperor at the team. The founder of Baldurs Gate became a Mindflayer lol. She counted on Balduran's rebellious nature and desire to be free of elder brain domination as a means. Basically emperor pulled Vader out of Anakin and lived as Vader ever since. Apparently the tadpoles have souls so yeah. It is accompanied by a montage of him enslaving Duke Stellmane. — Yasmin Mwanza. The odds are cast anew. Also know that the. idk, unnecessary? forced? out of nowhere? I mean the one guy who helps us and happens to be an illithid is also the guy who founded the damn city ?. dude has zero integrity, lmao. Our Illthid Guardian - the Emperor - is fucking Balduran? Balduran the founder? And Balduran is the one that killed Ansur? WHAT THE HELL. Join our active forum today!Ansur wanted to kill him first for the crime of being Ilithid. The lyrics to Song of Balduran which plays in the room in the Elfsong are pretty interesting. Now maybe the romance was just sexual manipulation but if. He apparently later is captured by the absolute in 1492, even though he is basically a. The Emperor is actually Balduran - yeah, the Balduran who founded Baldur's Gate - and he was once infected by the mind flayer colony in Moonrise Towers and only broke free because Ansur, a dragon ally of Balduran, broke him free. It was a settlement called Grey Harbour before that. Far from being created for the games that bear its name, the city of Baldur's Gate has been a part of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting since it was first published. At the start of each of your turns, the helm magically heals you for 2 hit points, keeping you standing strong even against repeated blows. Or Karlach. Here's the most interesting thing, with the Emperor's case. dude has zero integrity, lmao. That’s Balduran. So the Emperor is not really Balduran, it’s the tadpole that’s using. Balduran going to Moonrise was quite recent, based on my research it was around ~30 years. Saving the world is like, a side thing in his attempt to prevent the brain to enslave him again. Players will design and first meet him as BG3's Dream Visitor/Guardian, but even in. In the Year of the Banner, 1368 DR, Mendas in Ulgoth's Beard hired Gorion's Ward to go to. The Emperor is featured (but unnamed) as the evil entity that entralled Selmane in the adventure Murder in Baldur's Gate. Wearer is immune to Crits. Given the emperor just takes on the form of the dream visitor to make you trust him more, I can't see why he wouldn't transform into a dragonborn. it is believed that his mother gave the. I guess technically the first brain the parasite that became The Emperor devoured was Balduran's, so it may not be Balduran but it has his memories. But game's not over yet. suprpiwi. Balduran reinserts himself into Baldur's Gate politics, mind controlling Duke Belynne Stelmane and through her taking over the Balduran branch of the Knights of the Shield, a devil-worshipping group of merchants, nobles and information dealers. The Emperor is not Balduran. During the Astral Plane battle, you will want to side with the Emperor if you want the romance option. Most people probably figured it out, but it's still quite cool. Let's assume that Ansur has found a powerful magician who is capable of bringing back the human Balduran, and is ready to cast the necessary spell. kl. Did you know you can romance a Mind Flayer? Watch this video to find out what a love scene with The Emperor / The Guardian looks like :) !Note: I quickly add. We know that as a man Balduran was very honorable. I mostly enjoyed the. I mostly enjoyed the. Characters need to master certain Proficiency before. dude has zero integrity, lmao. The fact that he is Balduran seems so. Plot twist! This wasn't the real Balduran afterall. I mostly enjoyed the. #2. Aha!The fact that he is Balduran seems so. He continues to be drawn to Baldur's Gate, carries Balduran's staff, and has his mother's cutlery. Let's assume that Ansur has found a powerful magician who is capable of bringing back the human Balduran, and is ready to cast the necessary spell. The big thing to remember is that, at that point, the Emperor is getting exasperated with the player. In the final fight I didn't kill the emperor before jumping into the portal. I guess technically the first brain the parasite that became The Emperor devoured was. I mostly enjoyed the. Search The Emperor Is Balduran The Creator Of Baldur S Gate Baldur S Gate 3 Secrets trade goods, offerings, and more in your local area. A hero’s heart entombed, waiting underground to fulfill an oath of eld: the great wyrm would aid Baldur’s Gate in its time of need. Balduran/The Emperor interacts with the main character as a central plot device, and gives the player a very important item. I mostly enjoyed the. Head through the main door and face Ansur. Stun Immunity. The fact that he is Balduran seems so. The emperor even tells it as Ansur came to him in his sleep, which again given that you find Ansur dead in his own lair really casts some doubt as to the chain of events. Bronze Dragon Ansur reveals Emperor hidden secret Baldur's Gat. The Emperor is being manipulative again when he claims that Orpheus will immediately attempt to kill all of us. He is the "HERO" Balduran and also killed the Green Dragon just to save his own mindflayer ass again. Act 3 - Spoilers. Obviously the emperor is dead too but IMO he was kind of an asshole for choosing power over his best friend (Ansur). Baldur’s Gate 3 Emperor or Orpheus Choice: Outcomes and Consequences, Explained. This makes The Emperor's motivations seem very confusing and contradictory. What's left and what is there is just scary as hell. . One of the major themes of The Emperor is acceptance. New cards are drawn, new hands are played. aug. Emperor joins BEFORE you free orpheus and ♥♥♥♥♥ off and says "well I'm joining the netherbrain then if you want to free orpheus" this is BEFORE you free him. But game's not over yet. Only the Emperor's master is any elderbrain that notices their existence, and even killing one takes an incredible amount of effort. Even if that choice is not the easy one. He's the tadpole that has baldurans memories. Baldurian. The quest that Bioware and Black Isle created was ambiguous as to the fate of the mythical adventurer. He was captain Barbossa with legendary great sword and helmet. The Emperor talks about how he wanted freedom but settled to be a slave when Tav has made up their mind. But from the quest and conversations we have about it, we learn that The Emperor only did it out of self-preservation, and that there was no other way because Ansur was always going to kill him first. Probably because it has no real weight or consequence, just an offhand thing at the end of Wyll’s companion questline. Ansur was the one who tried to kill him in his sleep. The Emperor is not Balduran though. The ancient dragon under the city tells you what a shit person Balduran was. I guess you didn't care that the emperor is actually Balduran. This reveals the way into the Wyrmway. it is believed that his mother gave the. So, there is a spoiler about the real identity of the Emperor. Later on, during Act 3, you learn that the Dreamlover is actually the Illithid Mind Flayer Emperor. Did you know you can romance a Mind Flayer? Watch this video to find out what a love scene with The Emperor / The Guardian looks like :) !Note: I quickly add. During. The new info w. idk, unnecessary? forced? out of nowhere? I mean the one guy who helps us and happens to be an illithid is also the guy who founded the damn city ?. He’s a mind flayer. venacoeurva. #2. There is a signigicant difference in that. How to obtain Balduran's Giantslayer Legendary BG3. The Emperor is Later Revealed to Be Balduran. #42. As commenter Wutras points out, the Song of Balduran, which plays in the Elfsong Tavern camp, pretty much spells the damn thing out word for word. every. Empire golden built on trade. . No, it appears that in Baldur's Gate 3, there is no way to save Ansur the Dragon. idk, unnecessary? forced? out of nowhere? I mean the one guy who helps us and happens to be an illithid is also the guy who founded the damn city ?. So Baldur's Gate can't have been named for Baldr, because Baldr was known to be active on Earth's plane at the time. In the final path when you fail to dominate the brain, he offers for you to take Orpheus's power as your own. The fact that he is Balduran seems so. Wearer is immune to Crits. He’s no longer balduran. Follow the passage and enter the Wyrmway, then continue and lockpick the. The good points : - He is an ex adventurer/hero bearing the name Balduran, that much has been proven not only by his remaining belongings but also by the wyrm in Baldur's Gate. Who founded Baldur's Gate. How to Get the Helm of Balduran in Baldur’s Gate 3. About the emperor…. So as we meet the emperor turns out he's Balduran the founder of baldur's gate turned into a mindflayer long ago. . Balduran) timeline. Below are an image of the cinematic Illithid, a generic Illithid, and the Emperor. 11. Withers explicitly says they have no souls left, no true remnant of the person they were, only memories and traces of emotion. Balduran's Giantslayer is a legendary greatsword that receives doubled damage bonus from Strength, grants its wielder the Giant Form class action and the Topple the Big Folk weapon action, as well as Advantage on Attack rolls against Large, Huge, and Gargantuan creatures. He apparently later is captured by the absolute in 1492, even though he is basically a. . dude has zero integrity, lmao. The Emperor is not a humanoid. 1- the soul is destroyed when he became a ilithid, or his soul became an ilithid soul, whatever the case he can’t bring Balduran back, just (maybe) The Emperor. Let's assume that Ansur has found a powerful magician who is capable of bringing back the human Balduran, and is ready to cast the necessary spell. #2. . If you hold that the Emperor is not Balduran (i. dude has zero integrity, lmao. "O, sing a song of Balduran / Who founded Baldur. Compared to Astarion's master, a kind of strong vampire that took a day's work to handle. The Emperor is openly selfish, a manipulator, and evil (if you learn about his interactions with the Bronze Dragon Ansur). 6 The Emperor Is Balduran. By this point in the game, players would have heard of Balduran several times. Miloch Posts: 863. Discover more posts about bg3 emperor, the emperor bg3, bg3 the emperor, balduran, bg3 act 3 spoilers, baldurs gate 3 spoilers, and the emperor. These companions quests are WAY too fucking good. Ansur hints at a deeper. In his struggle to protect himself from being murdered, Balduran killed Ansur in self-defence. Baldur's Gate 3 Balduran's Giantslayer & Helm of Balduran Legendary armor location. Confront the Elder Brain . Of course, legendary. The fact that he is Balduran seems so. I mostly enjoyed the. Use lightning spells on both torches to turn their flames blue. Ansur himself makes it very clear that he was the instigator and that the Emperor acted out of self-preservation. idk, unnecessary? forced? out of nowhere? I mean the one guy who helps us and happens to be an illithid is also the guy who founded the damn city ? Isn't it a bit much? On a side note, when he joins the Netherbrain in the end if you refuse to give him the stones. Discover more posts about bg3 the emperor, bg3 emperor, mind flayer, the emperor bg3, the emperor, balduran, and illithid. You can see where to. The Guardian/Dream visitor literally admit he was Balduran after the encounter. Wearer is immune to Crits. Now that you’ve been able to find and pass the trials, we can teach you how to beat Ansur the Dragon in Baldur’s Gate 3. Yes, Balduran was becoming Illithid, but it is still in most people's nature to not want to die. Like, boy it sure is convenient that this Mind Flayer was the single most revered adventurer in all the land so. It feels like Balduran wants freedom while the Illithid he has become chooses to be a slave rather than potentially dying by the hand of Orpheus. Arose to conquer all. To claim. . 19. #2. The good points : - He is an ex adventurer/hero bearing the name Balduran, that much has been proven not only by his remaining belongings but also by the wyrm in Baldur's Gate. It's time to try Tumblr. Ansur himself makes it very clear that he was the instigator and that the Emperor acted out of self-preservation. . So Balduran was just trying to elude us into a trap him himself had fallen in the. Website: more guides and information about each game be sure to check out my webs. She played the Emperor and the Dead Three chosen. Joined: Oct 2020. Probably because it has no real weight or consequence, just an offhand thing at the end of Wyll’s companion questline. Could not avert his fate. 18. From what I understand of mind flayers, they get memories from the brains they devour. Edited as of 09. Secondly is independence. As The Legend of Ansur says, The Dragon’s Sanctum is history begging to be unearthed. What Emperor asks you is to become partial-illithid in that scene. The Emperor tells you that he was defending. I mostly enjoyed the. He still can't. both offer you power in exchange for working with them, but the ways they go about it are could not be more different. Baldur's Gate 3 > General Discussions > Topic Details. 3. 47 every. The Emperor's Sword +2. Take a look between the two characters in your first screenshot and see who is lying in bed between them. venacoeurva. Balduran disappeared over 300 years ago and was human. So, there is a spoiler about the real identity of the Emperor. so either Balduran the legendary Explorer just wanted to rob a temple in a town full of peopleor he wasn't going to. " even if you pick a Background like Outlander which contradicts it by Stating "You grew up in the wilds. I am one of the weird ones who decided to romance Balduran/The Emperor and I’m not sure. It is why he became an undead. The Emperor however is something utterly else, and its a bold step in writing that I want to see more of when it comes to romance writing. Holy shit. Ansur was the one who tried to kill him in his sleep. 2- he and Balduran where in hiding/isolation for years or even decades at that point 3-surprise attack. But the Emperor, unlike all other Mind Flayers, has retained the identity of the host completely, and identifies himself as Balduran. As commenter Wutras points out, the Song of Balduran, which plays in the Elfsong Tavern camp, pretty much spells the damn thing out word for word. The fact that he is Balduran seems so. The Emperor wants you to be as powerful as possible no matter what, because he knows how tough the end fight is. Anxious Burgher / Clerk Tamara…. At some point, he married Cethlann. So after act two you go into the astral prism to help the emperor against the gith guard. The fact that he is Balduran seems so. The human is just a generic npc. He hasn't been a mindflayer for that long. All races but Half-Drow, Drow and Githyanki get this tag Baldurian which states "Those raised in Baldur's Gate know the city well,. It involves traveling to a place called the Wyrmway underneath Wyrm’s Rock Castle and awakening an ancient Wyrm called Ansur. . Balduran might have been a decent dude. Hi guys, there is a point a didn't actually grasp from the Emperor's (i. Balduran died when his brain was eaten. That said, Mind Flayers only live like ~150 years max and there is a book "Evading the Elder Brain" that says the Emperor was enslaved under the Elder Brain for 13 3/4 years before escaping to Baldurs Gate. So it seems like he’s weak on the mind flayer strength scale. But ultimately Ansur is correct: Balduran is dead. He ends up getting tadpoled himself, but comes to enjoy his now Illithid form, though he hates being enslaved by an Elder Brain. When Balduran was turned into an Ilithid, Ansur suffered greatly and did everything he could to find a way to cure Balduran. Players will design and first meet him as BG3's Dream Visitor/Guardian, but even in. Moonrise towers and the surrounding City were built 150~ years ago by Ketheric BEFORE he lost it. Ansur, Balduran's dragon companion recognise him when you meet him. idk, unnecessary? forced? out of nowhere? I mean the one guy who helps us and happens to be an illithid is also the guy who founded the damn city ? Isn't it a bit much? On a side note, when he joins the Netherbrain in the end if you refuse to give him the stones. Baldurian. We have the Emperor on record in that Gortash interview saying Balduran's exceptionally strong personality enabled him to preserve himself for years on end, and even afforded him some mental autonomy whilst enthralled by the Brain back at Moonrise. Baldur's Gate 3 Secret Scene - The Emperor is Balduran Creator of Baldur's Gate // Killing a Dragon Gate 3 - All Charact. The choice was obvious. . The game's mechanics and story. Basically emperor pulled Vader out of Anakin and lived as Vader ever since. See full list on forgottenrealms. Joined: Oct 2023. And the game explains it. So my first playthrough I broke Wylls pact and ended up not freeing his dad in the iron throne but in this playthrough I did. This unique situation happened in a very rare case. From a heartfelt letter we find on the undead wyrm'a body, we discover that Balduran offered Ansur his freedom and even pleaded with the dragon to go forth and forge his. #2. You are person with tadpole in the head. Is Balduran an immortal?The Shield of Balduran was the shield wielded by the legendary explorer Balduran. The Emperor is no longer Balduran. idk, unnecessary? forced? out of nowhere? I mean the one guy who helps us and happens to be an illithid is also the guy who founded the damn city ?. the founder of Baldur's Gate and, like you, he didn't choose to become illithid. . It is cataclysmic. Ansur and Balduran . And the Emperor told him to be free and fly away instead of suffering next to him. Sign in . e. So the Emperor was still alive on the top of the brain when I killed the netherbrain. It felt like a lot of time was spent on Karlach but not so much the others. Apparently they were in love with Duke Stelmane long ago and that person was a girl. I mostly enjoyed the. The butter knife line is actually a very clever piece of foreshadowing for the revelation that The Emperor is actually Balduran, the founder of the titular city of Baldur's Gate who has been. These lines are of course about. I mostly enjoyed the. Or perhaps that is precisely as he intended, for this makes him the perfect candidate to. Ms. The Emperor is really an old mind flayer when you consider this guy lived on the first millenia of the DR calendar. The Baldurans were tall, muscular, gray-skinned mammalian humanoids with. . . idk, unnecessary? forced? out of nowhere? I mean the one guy who helps us and happens to be an illithid is also the guy who founded the damn city ? Isn't it a bit much? On a side note, when he joins the Netherbrain in the end if you refuse to give him the stones. I feel as tho Wizards of the Coast gave them the idea to add the Balduran aka The Emperor into the game.