Talons of leng. Naath. Talons of leng

NaathTalons of leng Maya Brooks is one of the two main antagonists of the Citadel DLC in the video game Mass Effect 3 (being the one responsible for waking up Shepard's clone) and the one of the main protagonists of the Mass Effect: Foundation comic

Finely laid gold filigree lines these ornately worked talons. S. This black iron +2 longsword bestows a negative level when it deals a critical hit. Talons is a sublimely well scripted and performed, genre-mashing. I was excited to read this book. talon meaning: 1. Most leng spiders possess only 7 legs, but some possess 9, 11, or only 5—they never possess an even number. This +1 bolas is commonly crafted from assassin vines and used as a means of escape from jungle-dwelling giants. An adult weighs 1-3 tons. This +3 cold iron holy demon bane elven curve blade. Everbloom Thorn. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS. "Now and Then", a short feature where locations shown in "The Talons of Weng-Chiang" are compared to how those locations look now. Of all existing lands it was infinitely the most ancient; and the conviction grew upon us that this hideous upland must indeed be the fabled nightmare plateau of Leng which even the mad author of the Necronomicon was reluctant to discuss. Less errata, but why does he wear the Talons of Leng? His "Immortal" ability "grants Karzoug complete immunity to disease and to all forms of madness (including confusion effects and feeblemind). Price 47,315 gp; Slot none; CL 10th; Weight 4 lbs. History. ; Aura strong necromancy. If the alchemist’s bullet. DESCRIPTION. These claw attacks have a +3 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls. Second Edition Rulebooks; Official Digital Toolset; Online System Reference; Downloads; First. Talons of Leng Price 67,000 gp; Aura strong transmutation; CL 15th; Weight 1 lb. Aura moderate evocation; CL 11th; Weight 5 lbs. Sunset Sea. DESCRIPTION. In that serial through references to a Filipino army and a siege of the Australian. They are south of Jhala, east of Xon, and northeast of Doquu. A hit from one of the talons deals 1d4 points of damage. a human finger or hand when like a claw in appearance or grasp. For example, birds claws can show clear adaptations to. A sadist’s lash is a long whip of thin strips of leather. natural-weapon. 1 - 26/02/1977 18:30 2 - 05/03/1977 18:35 3 - 12/03/1977 18:30 4 - 19/03/1977 18:30 5 - 26/03/1977 18:30 6 - 02/04/1977 18:30 Plot. Sunset Sea. Slot none; Price 22,301 gp; Aura strong abjuration and conjuration; CL 11th; Weight 1 lb. This elegant, short-hafted spear has a razorsharp head carved from a single piece of ivory. DESCRIPTION. The countless executions committed with the rope have left an indelible mark on the weapon. Three of the toes and talons point forward, while one points backward or in the opposite direction (See photo above). ; Price varies; 0 wishes 22,060 gp, 1 wish 62,360 gp, 2 wishes 102,660 gp, 3 wishes 142,960 gp. This +1 greatsword is decorated with a lock motif. 1 - 26/02/1977 18:30 2 - 05/03/1977 18:35 3 - 12/03/1977 18:30 4 - 19/03/1977 18:30 5 - 26/03/1977 18:30 6 - 02/04/1977 18:30 Plot. Whenever the wielder uses the divine bond ability or sacred weapon ability to enhance it, a crusader’s longsword increases the points of enhancement bonus she has to spend on. The Chinese residents of Limehouse are largely depicted as labourers and slaves. Cost 18,320 gp; Feats Craft. AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 natural) hp 52 (8d10+8) Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +6 Immune mind-affecting effects. Price 18,335 gp; Slot none; CL 8th; Weight 4 lbs. This +1 whip is made from a hemp rope that once served as the noose in a gallows. Lacerating Rapier. This wicked-looking, curved +2 dagger provides a +1 bonus to the DC of a Fortitude save forced by the death attack of an assassin. Aura minor necromancy; CL 9th; Slot none; Price 10,320 gp; Weight 2 lbs. (ˈtælən ) noun. Otherwise, she takes a –4 penalty on. Talons of Leng. I could hear talons, some ragged claw 6. For as long as he wears the. The talons are the long curved claws of the eagle and are used to kill and hold the prey. Hellcaller’s Edge. Each time a creature takes damage from the lash of the howler, it must succeed at a DC 14 Reflex save or a quill breaks off and lodges in its flesh. If she does, colorful lights dance around the spear and the wielder can choose to gain the benefit of. In general, all birds have claws, but only birds of prey possess true talons. "Look East", a TV news clip from January 1977, when David Case, a regional BBC news reporter, watched some of the filming of "The Talons of Weng-Chiang" at the Northampton Repertory Theatre, and. Finely laid gold filigree lines these ornately worked talons. The real face of Weng-Chiang is revealed as the Doctor, Leela, Jago and Litefoot face their final battle against both Magnus Greel and a trigger-happy Mr Sin. This +1 scorpion whip is made from the tail of a giant cave scorpion. Javelin of Lightning. 8 His signature weapon is a two-headed flail made of iron and bone capable of rotting flesh and. The seat of House Elesham, the Paps is considered part of the Vale of Arryn and is sworn to the Eyrie. Once per day, if the archer swears aloud to slay her target (a free action ), the bow’s whisper becomes the shout. ) Talons of Power is the ninth book in the New York Times bestselling series Wings of Fire and the fourth book in the second arc. DESCRIPTION. This steel tankard functions as a +1 light hammer. Looking at birds of prey, we marvel at the bird’s most prominent feature, their powerful, terrifying talons. Each end of a bolas has its own magical enhancements: one side bears cold magic, and the other bears fire magic. The nails of a bird of prey are structurally the same as a chicken’s nails. DESCRIPTION. This jet-black +3 rapier weeps quietly when wielded in combat. APPEARANCE. The oversized teeth last for 1 round, during which time the wearer. When the wielder charges an enemy, he receives a +10 foot enhancement bonus to his speed that round. Leng saunters to the beacon, steals the VI, and walks out. DESCRIPTION. Introduction. If the wielder succeeds at the. This site is an SRD (System Reference Document) for the Paizo Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. West of Great Moraq are Vahar and Lesser Moraq, while to the south is the Isle of Elephants, as well as several smaller islands. Some of Nymeria's ten thousand ships were attacked by corsairs from Ax Isle. ; Aura moderate abjuration. Price 2,500 gp; Slot none; CL 15th; Weight —; Aura strong transmutation. Talons are longer, sharper, and more curved than regular claws. The Demon can grant spells to his worshipers. DESCRIPTION. This +1 sling bullet contains a magical reservoir that can store a single vial of any alchemical substance capable of being used as a splash weapon. Once donned, the talons of Leng grant the wearer a natural claw attack with each hand that deal 1d4 points of damage for a Medium wearer, or 1d3 points of damage for a Small wearer. They apply these bonuses to both attack and damage rolls when used in combat. Once donned, the talons of Leng. The silence effect is not triggered by arrows that miss. Funny. Even at this distance, I plainly saw its talons beckon 8. , low-light vision; Perception +15. Ten-ring sword. 9. This site is an SRD (System Reference Document) for the Paizo Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Elite 23. It says that they're primary attacks, but if used with a weapon or another natural attack, they're secondary. A. [3] According to Lomas Longstrider, the verdant isle of Leng is home to "ten thousand tigers and ten million monkeys ". Born from dwarven forges, these +1 giant–bane dwarven waraxes are crafted in the likeness of a famous dwarven king. This +3 frost greatsword sheds light as a torch when the temperature drops below 0° F. To claim Talons of Weng-Chiang as one of your favourite Doctor Who stories in 2019 is to court controversy. Leela follows Chang in order to find Greel's hideout while the Doctor and Litefoot set about finding her. A kitsune who spends 40,000 gp on a pair of demon talons should see if he can convince the GM that the talons, being attached, are no longer gear but just limbs like his hands were. Aura strong transmutation; CL 15th; Slot hands; Price 67,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. ; Price 60,312 gp. This barbed +1 outsider (water) bane bolt is etched with runes of thirst and desiccation. Your chicken flock doesn’t need large talons as they don’t hunt and kill their food, unlike eagles and hawks. Speed 30 ft. The Angel. In the King Kong movie series, Skull Island is a fictional island where the eponymous creature lives. The brass hilt of this curved +1 dagger resembles a snake coiled around a bone. 427 - Talons of Leng. ; CL 8th. Hangman’s Noose. Description. The Blade of this +2 holy bastard sword always appears lustrous and polished, with a hilt wrapped in alternating colors of deep black and royal purple. ECOLOGY. , fly 60 ft. ; Aura strong necromancy and enchantment. Price 18,301 gp; Slot none; CL 9th; Weight 2 lbs. e. This +1/+1 darkwood quarterstaff grants superior balance and acrobatic skill. " So the Talons give him a melee attack with a small chance of inflicting mental distress (on a critical) and a -1 to Will saves. Environment temperate hills or plains. Fighter’s Fork. A shadowy, chained skull always features prominently upon it regardless of what form a torment of the Midnight Lord assumes. Thorn Bow. If the alchemist bullet hits, the splash weapon also strikes the target and causes splash damage as normal. Aura moderate necromancy; CL 9th; Weight 3 lbs. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. ; Price 330 gp. Once donned, the talons of Leng grant the wearer a natural claw attack with each hand that deal 1d4 points of damage for a Medium wearer, or 1d3 points of damage for a Small wearer. Creatures immune to critical hits are immune to the Constitution damage dealt by this weapon. West of Marahai are Great Moraq, the Isle of Whips, and the Isle of Elephants. When worn these talons grant the wearer claw attacks with a +3 enhancement bonus and d4 damage. First Transmitted. Longsword, Cold Iron Masterwork – d20PFSRD Fight Owen’s Cancer Megabundle! Veteran ttRPG blogger, developer, publisher, and writer Owen K. updated Aug 11, 2021. Shepard climbs out of the hole too late as Leng is already airborne, and you're left to hear over comms Kurin and the other asari. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS. History. It. Chave slang consists of many colloquialisms describing attitudes, events, objects, and other things in life. If used as a weapon, it is the equivalent of a +3 greatclub and deals triple damage against inanimate objects. This is a +1 cold iron holy demon – bane longsword. These claw attacks. By Samuel Claiborn , KBABZ , Bob , +77. Contrary to non-raptor birds, the talon on the second digit of all raptors is as large or. Maybe you need a separate question like How can I get claw attacks while in fox shape. DESCRIPTION. Upon close inspection, the images seem to come alive as if spiders were swarming across the webs on the blade. ; Price 50,320 gp. This set of +1 keen claw blades is most effective when the wearer has multiple claw attacks per round. Vulnerability Bolt. 8. DESCRIPTION. ; Aura faint necromancy. Finely laid gold filigree lines these ornately worked talons. A Philippine eagle’s wingspan can be as wide as 7’3”. It is a heightened version of the term “peng,” which is already a slang term for something or someone that is attractive. Reviews There are no reviews yet. ’. Headsman’s Blade. DESCRIPTION. Arriving in London at the end of the 19th Century, the Doctor and Leela make friends with a police pathologist, Professor Litefoot, and learn that hairs taken from the clothing. Finely laid gold filigree lines these ornately worked talons. That kinda shoots their proposed build out of the sky; it also means that the statblock doesn't factor in Karzoug actively wielding his Talons of Leng (as they theorize)- that would require his Base Wisdom to be a 6, lower than it can possibly go! I don't know of any other way to get more natural attacks as an straight classed half-orc antipaladin beyond that except for magic items. Marahai is called a paradise isle. DESCRIPTION. Easily recognized by its eagle’s-head pommel and golden quillons crafted like upswept eagle wings, a talonstrike sword’s defending special ability also protects the. Price 36,320 gp; Slot none; CL 9th; Weight 3 lbs. [2]Naath. Once worn, the talons of Leng grant the wearer two natural claw attacks, both with a +3 enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage. com. Lorath is on the west side of the largest of three islands surrounded by stormy seas. DESCRIPTION. One creature of Karzoug's choice within 60' must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution save or become Restrained. DESCRIPTION. Cost 2,400 gp; Feats Craft. Each time an affected creature fails this save. Transcripts expected throughout Thursday, 23 November, 2023. This massive +1 ghost touch disrupting warhammer is crafted from a single piece of metal. Huh. @GeneralChingChicken, you cannot use latest Appium version, but to downgrade it. Chinese stage magician Li H'sen Chang and his lethal dummy, Mr Sin, are allied to the Tong of the Black Scorpion and in the service of their lord, Weng-Chiang, a disfigured maniac lurking in the. Certainly, we were in one of the strangest, weirdest, and most terrible of all the corners of earth’s globe. ; Price 11,315 gp. 7. Aura strong abjuration, conjuration, and evocation; Slot none; CL 17th; Weight 5 lbs. Name Cost; Assisting Gloves: 180 gp: Gloves of Personal Purity: 1,000 gp: Whispering Gloves (LotFW) War Lance. The definition of the word raptor comes from the Latin word, rapere, which means to. Speaking of birds with talons, the harpy eagle is a must-mention. Halflings often use these slings to hunt hard-to-hit game. 0a. The. Whenever its wielder uses it to successfully strike an opponent who carries a shield, the opponent’s shield takes the same damage as the opponent. Price 59,700 gp; Slot none; CL 9th; Weight 8 lbs. An unnamed ruined city lies in the northern part of the isle. To the north lies New Ghis, across the Summer Sea. 3. Sunset Sea. The book was officially released on December 27th, 2016. The. EFFECTS. Flame Tongue. 5, creatures with multiple natural. Net of Snaring. [1][2]Height – 2 to 2. One model can be assembled as a shield-captain, with a cloak. DESCRIPTION. DESCRIPTION. DESCRIPTION. A triton’s trident can unleash a hydraulic push three times per day, once from each tine; alternatively, their power can be combined to release a single hydraulic. Paul Grayson is a Cerberus operative, red sand addict and the adoptive father of the autistic biotic Gillian Grayson. The islands of Leng and Marahai are to the north and west, respectively. If poison is applied to this sickly yellow +1 bolt, any hit point damage, ability damage, or ability drain dealt by the poison increases by 1 each round for the poison’s duration. Movie Compilation format. Vahar. feet, wicked talons to catch and hold their prey 7. And finally, his talons of Leng reduce his Wisdom by 2, which then puts his stats as they appear in the book. Ever since Grandmother Raven locked the shadows away. Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store. It's FAR easier than many GMs expect. Talons of Leng Slot hands; Price 67,000 gp; Aura strong transmutation; CL 15th; Weight 1 lb. Grasping Bolas. On a critical hit, the talons deal ×3 damage and force the victim to make a DC 20 Will save. 0. By Samuel Claiborn , KBABZ , Bob , +77. This +2 bolt screams when fired, forcing all enemies of the shooter within 20 feet of the path of the bolt to make a successful DC 14 Will save or become shaken for 1 round. Pages in category "CL 15" The following 47 pages are in this category, out of 47 total. Great Moraq, the largest island in the known world, is located between the Summer Sea to the west and the Jade Sea to the east. Aura minor necromancy; CL 9th; Slot none; Price 10,320 gp; Weight 2 lbs. Traditionally, this rune is one of many runes for. [1] To the south of the isles is a thickly forested peninsula. The Doctor and Leela land in Victorian London, and find themselves in the. Sign In; Cart . Manticore Isles. Having listened to the Jago and Litefoot series first I then decided to purchase the cd Talons of Weng Chiang. Unfortunately, Liselle ends up in the mix as well as she is Grayson's lover, and. A creature critically hit by banshee’s howl must succeed at a DC 16 Will save or be affected by crushing despair for 1 minute. This +1 sling looks mundane, but its true ability is revealed when its wielder hurls a bullet with it. ; Aura moderate transmutation. Pirates gather to trade at Barter Beach and slaves are sold or ransomed at the island's markets. Twice per day as a free action, this +2 keen wounding punching dagger can poison a. This exquisitely forged katana is the result of painstaking attention and craftsmanship by one who is dedicated to mastering swordplay in its highest form. ; Price 1,730 gp. This +2 shortbow is etched with equine imagery. Aura strong evocation; CL 15th; Weight 4 lbs. A hit from one of the talons inflicts 1d4 points of damage. Aria T'Loak is the de facto ruler of Omega, the nominal capital of the Terminus Systems. Aura moderate necromancy; CL 9th; Weight 1 lb. Finely laid gold filigree lines these ornately worked talons. Silver Dagger, Masterwork. It is unknown how the island came to be named. This wavy blade is almost transparently thin, and glows with ethereal energy upon being grasped. With Tom Baker, Louise Jameson, Michael Spice, Deep Roy. Tsan-Chan is set in the same time period from which Magnus Greel, the deformed villain of the Doctor Who serial "The Talons of Weng-Chiang", originated. Price 21,310 gp; Slot none; CL 6th; Weight 2 lbs. 6 7 This latter aspect he shares with the more powerful ghuls who sometime serve as his high priests. Doing so is a free action, but the poison effect must be invoked in the same round that the dagger strikes. ; Price 22,315 gp. There may be some relic text here; an old rule from D&D 3. The mission is acquired immediately after dealing with the genophage and is triggered by the first visit to the Citadel after that, thus causing almost all uncompleted Citadel-related side-missions to expire. Aura strong abjuration and evocation; Slot none; CL 12th; Weight 2 lbs. A creature critically hit by banshee’s howl must succeed at a DC 16 Will save or be affected by crushing despair for 1 minute. Its shaft is decorated with images of charging mammoths or running wolves. DESCRIPTION. Finely laid gold filigree lines these ornately worked talons. Of elven make, this white +2 composite longbow (+2 Str bonus) whispers “Swift defeat to my enemies” in Elven when nocked and pulled. A magic weapon is enhanced to strike more truly and deliver more damage. Their current leader is Riptide, preceded by Nautilus. A kitsune who spends 40,000 gp on a pair of demon talons should see if he can convince the GM that the talons. Less errata, but why does he wear the Talons of Leng? His "Immortal" ability "grants Karzoug complete immunity to disease and to all forms of madness (including confusion effects and feeblemind). 8k more. It is an inhospitable realm hedged in by titanic mountains, home to creatures which defy facile categorization or even understanding. The whip instantly sprouts a new. Our particular. Feats Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Spells slay living; Cost 5,302 gp. Once donned, the talons of Leng grant the wearer a natural claw attack with each hand that deal 1d4. Its iron legions are inspired by the lockstep legions of the Old Empire of Ghis. This wooden pole is plain, save that green dragon scales adorn to its length. Furthermore, the wearer can force its teeth to grow rapidly up to five times per day as a swift action. DESCRIPTION. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS. Not because it lacks quality; far from it. Advertisement. I mean, everyone that is possible to be saved. Shorter and thicker than most lances, this +3 lance has a full-sized shield worked into the vamplate, though it is too heavy to count as a shield for shield bash and similar maneuvers, and does not automatically grant the wielder a shield bonus. A mix of the Hawaiian and hot Siracha. The Talons of Peace is a group of dragons founded during the War of SandWing Succession, intending to end the war by fulfilling the Dragonet Prophecy. Price 28,940 gp; Slot none; CL 11th; Weight 6 lbs. The city of Yin in Yi Ti is to the north across the Jade Sea. Ghoul’s Lament. As a masterwork weapon, it has a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls. Talons of Leng; Tamer's Whip; Tangle Bolt; Ten-ring sword; Tenacious Atlatl Dart; Thorn Bow; Tidewater Cutlass; Trailblazer's Spade; Traitor's Blade; Traitorous Blaster; Trident. ( EXP Neonomicon, Alan Moore) Leng Avenue is. DESCRIPTION. Aura faint transmutation; CL 1st; Slot belt; Price 4,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs. The wielder. Prized trophies, these weapons are brandished. DESCRIPTION. ; Price 267 gp. On a successful hit with the sword against a creature that is the wielder’s size or smaller, the wielder can attempt to start a grapple as a free action that doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. Price 16,302 gp; Slot none; CL 7th Weight 1 lb. Price 4,400 gp; Slot none; CL 5th; Weight 2 lbs. DESCRIPTION. Aura moderate illusion; CL 7th; Weight 2 lbs. The wearer’s melee touch attacks with that hand deal 1d6 points of acid damage. The Lord Captain of the Iron Fleet rewards the red priest with a golden torque when the missing. Elixir of the Peaks, Robes of Xin-Shalast, Talons of Leng Monsters [7]Crag Spider, Denizen of Leng, Harridan, Hungerer, Kuchrima, Rune Giant, Wendigo. This +3 impact warhammer deals 2d6 points of bludgeoning damage when it hits. Allowing the kitsune's fox shape to keep the natural attacks granted by the demon talons, on its surface, doesn't strike this GM as particularly unbalancing. Finely laid gold filigree lines these ornately worked talons. The World's Coziest Little Haunted Hotel (A Pathfinder RPG Adventure) S-Class Characters: Time WardensPrice 45,310 gp; Slot none; CL 9th; Weight 6 lbs. Once per day as a standard action, the wielder can prick her finger on the vine and fire an arrow at a creature or square to cause the arrow to become a wall. Bird talons are the sharp, curved claws found at the end of a bird’s toes. ; Aura strong conjuration and transmutation. DESCRIPTION. Traditionally, the owner of a mammoth lance adorns the weapon with small trophies attached via short leather strips or carves notches in the shaft to represent. DESCRIPTION. It makes it problematic and it gives us a lot to discuss and it is a distinct bad part about the story, but it doesn’t erase clever characterization, great set-pieces, witty dialogue, a sense of adventure, or any of the other plusses this story has. DESCRIPTION. YOU MAY ALSO BE INTERESTED IN THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION:Talons of the Emperor is a box containing a collection of Adeptus Custodes and Sisters of Silence miniatures. is unusable unless it both provides a bonus and doesn't require activation (so excluding the talons of Leng which meld and do nothing). For gore attack I found Spirit Oni Master, but there might be other ways. Elaborately detailed feathered wings spread from the hilt to form the guard, with the angel’s face at the base of the blade. Each time the wielder strikes a blow that deals bleed damage with this weapon, he gains temporary hit points. This scalpel-sharp greatsword has a simple black handle and crosspiece, and is made of unusually dark steel etched with an organic wave pattern. The Bones are a group of small islands in the Summer Isles. T he talons of eagles are impressive, no doubt. Overall, I highly recommend Talon's restaurant for anyone looking for a great dining experience in a beautiful setting. DESCRIPTION. DESCRIPTION. The island is also famous for its great apes, including spotted humpback apes, almost as intelligent as men, and hooded apes, large as giants and very. Magic weapons have enhancement bonuses ranging from +1 to +5. ; Aura moderate transmutation. I think I'm towards the end in ME3 now but I made some mistakes I'd like to fix in another play-through. [2] A large square fortress of black stone was constructed on Battle Island by unknown builders. ; Price 35,312 gp. The Paizo Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules. Aura strong transmutation; CL 15th Slot hands; Price 67,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. Transcripts expected throughout Wednesday, 22 November, 2023. A slain denizen reforms in Leng; they can be permanently killed only when their planar fast healing doesn’t function. Talk of this story must inevitably turn to claims of its perceived racism. DESCRIPTION. Grudge blades play a role in many of the conflicts driven by the diabolical elite, both petty and epic. If the target is of the dragon type and the dragon fails its save, the. The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part One: Directed by David Maloney. The book, co-written with Ray Norman, follows a. Person; Phone; Address; Enter a full name . Vahar. It appears to have a blade crafted from solid wind, similar in appearance to the matter that makes up an air elemental‘s body. Cool. These spiders see themselves as. When its wielder is targeted by ranged attacks, an arrow slicer shines even brighter, alerting its user of the incoming danger and granting a +2 bonus on Perception checks to act in the. Aura moderate evocation; CL 10th; Weight 5 lbs. This +4 shock trident is carved from fish-bone and its points are shark teeth. Vahar. ( EXP Neonomicon, Alan Moore) Leng Avenue is. His favored weapon is the bastard sword. Price 7,315 gp; Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Weight 4 lbs. I guess my impression of how the. Shieldsplitter Lance. This +1 frost sling is crafted of blue-dyed leather. A fanged falchion is a +1 unholy falchion and wounds caused by the weapon’s serrated edge are horrifically. . This +1 flaming holy arrow has a platinum arrowhead and brilliant white fletching. Login to track and rate!Aura strong transmutation; CL 17th; Slot none; Price 2,000 gp (1st), 8,000 gp (2nd), 18,000 gp (3rd), 32,000 gp (4th), 50,000 gp (5th), 72,000 gp (6th), 98,000 gp (7th), 128,000 gp (8th), 162,000 gp (9th); Weight – .